Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Jora Taali

A sea gull’s cry, fading away against the waves;
A lock, with no key;
A colourless piece of art;

An eye with no twinkle;
A voice without character;
A dim, dim streak of light;

I am a smile devoid of promises;
Tune with no melody;
Words with no meaning;

A crumpled piece of paper.


Anonymous said...

beshi depressing

Anonymous said...

Work of art...i wish i could write 'Words with no meaning' as easily and make it sound all the more meaningful and make ppl contemplate as you can. Keep writing. I love 'em.

Elita Karim said...

thank you.... i wish u cud have left ur name. do u have a blog i cud visit?
who is this?

Anonymous said...

Live the moment...don't ruin it. You know me anyway. Thank god that there is this blog of yours. I almost exhausted every other way to reach you (well not quite). :P

Anonymous said...

lollll... khaise!

Anonymous said...

lollll... khaise!

Anonymous said...

'anonymous 2' slaps 'anonymous 1' so hard that it finds it hard to work out what "STFU" really stands for...LMAO