Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Battered Triangle

Nope, I am not mad.
I am not angry and I am not furious.
I am not lost and I do not see things moving in the distant light shimmering in through the curtains.
I have had bad hair days this whole week and I suck at what I write.
Dear Sir, this is to inform you that the '6 number bus' hit me on its way to Tejagon…

I am a penguin, because penguins are cute. I like penguins.
I like you too. I think you're cute too. I couldn't be you though.
You are round and I am a triangle.
I can be round. Just a little twitch there and a pull here, and there you go.
I am round, just like you, not as perfect though.
Will I do? I am sure I will do.
I wouldn't want you to be a battered triangle.


Anonymous said...

you have changed.guess i dont understand you anymore---

Anonymous said...

They dip their pens in our hearts and think they are inspired.

Elita Karim said...

wud probably do anything for a little bit of inspiration around here.

Anonymous said...

Once a poet said "My loneliness was born when men praised my talkative faults and blamed my silent virtues".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know, I have over said :)
Are these poetry/philosophy written by you!? Or these are from other famous people?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you didnt over say too much anonymous...

Elita Karim said...
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Elita Karim said...

i have stuff here which were originally written or uttered by people famous or not. a few of them r mine.

this one is mine.

Anonymous said...

i know this one is yours.i used to believe i know your thoughts or words but it seems like as i said in my first comment, i dont understand your words anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ekta sottikarer multitalented person......

Anonymous said...

As a three dimensional creature we can only see/feel things that are in three dimensional space. At the same way, as a zero talented person we can only feel/understand another zero talented person and multi-talented is beyond our capability :) However through our imagination we can only praise the work of multi-talented people. :)

The only confusion is which one to praise Poet / Philosopher / Singer.